Treatment of Herpes genitalis - Doctor advises
Hello, I would like to ask if the Biostimul device can help to relieve seeding, the frequency of seeding of blisters in herpes genitalis, or relieve pain, the amount and size of the blister when seeding is already in progress? Thank you for the answer.
Herpes simplex virus type II (HSV II) causes genital cold sores. The cold sores are manifested by burning, itching, or stinging pain in the genital area, pain in the thighs, legs, or groin; these blisters may also be in the vagina, cervix, or rectum. Both the blisters and any boil on the genitals must be examined by a dermatovenerologist.
Herpesviruses are very contagious, even by the time the blisters have healed and scabs have formed. With improper treatment, the area of the cold sore can become secondarily infected with bacteria, a painful boil develops, and healing is then longer. Cold sores are caused, as type I cold sores are, by stress, increased workload, hormonal changes, weakening of the body... The most common complication is their frequent recurrence.
The action of red polarized light of the Fotonyx method through the Biostimul systems has a proven effect on reducing the healing time of cold sores in many cases and even completely suppressing them. This method is one of the few means at all by which cold sores can be treated very effectively. With early initiation of application, it is even possible to suppress the manifestation directly. Biostimul can also be applied prophylactically as soon as the triggering factors are present (when the body is weakened, in stressful situations, etc., as long as itching or pain is felt at the site), thus preventing the eventual outbreak of a cold sore. In addition, regular applications of Biostimulus support the immune system, which then copes better with herpetic infections.
Recommended application: as soon as the first symptoms appear, make applications 3 times a day to the affected areas, always for 10 minutes until the discomfort disappears. Applications can be made immediately in pulse mode. To strengthen the immune system, apply at least once a day to the solar plexus and the centre of the sternum, in continuous mode for 10 minutes.
Application of Biostimulus significantly activates factors involved in the elimination of inflammation, promotes healing and tissue regeneration and reduces healing time by up to half. At the same time, the sensitivity of nerve cells is also reduced and, as a consequence, the unpleasant pain that accompanies cold sores is suppressed. This significantly accelerates healing and reduces discomfort.