Gynaecological problems, pregnancy and childbirth

"Breast inflammation ..."

Breast inflammation, tooth problems, problems with a bumped tailbone eliminated, 2.5 cm fat lumps in combination with medical cosmetics reduced to 1 cm, supposedly my wrinkles are also getting better, then spine pain, shoulder joint pain and other joint problems are suppressed.

Our comment
Beauty, health, vitality - all thanks to the biolamp. Apply the Biostimul Biolamp for a few minutes a day and your surroundings will surely soon start wondering what is the cause of your transformation. In addition, you don't have to throw away your favourite products when using light therapy; on the contrary, the biolamp can both deepen and accelerate their normal effect.

- Helena Kachlarová (Bednáreček)

I've had major menstrual pains since I was 15...

I have been having major menstrual pain since I was 15 years old. The first 3 days daily up to 12-16 tabl. Ibuprofen 400!!! I'm 30 years old, so every month it was hell combined with nervousness, pain in the stomach. After applying Biostimulus to my lower abdomen, right wrist (point #11), right knee from the side (point #16) and after three months of using it every day 1-2 times for 5 min. I have gone through my days without pain and meds for two months now. No doctor has been able to help me.

Our comment
Count us in, in those 15 years it was 540 days spent in "hell", 7,560 pain pills swallowed, many repeated visits to the doctor and the result? Pain, nervousness and fear of the next period. Where pharmaceuticals and conventional medicine did not help for many years, the Czech biolamp Biostimul remedied the situation in a few months.

- Hana Řezáčová (Milovice)


Excellent results. I bought Biostimul and immediately started the application because I have major health problems. After 8 days, I find when I measure my blood sugar in the morning that my blood sugar is dropping. On 24 April I had 12.6, today, i.e. on 3 May, only 8.3 !!! I also find a decrease in pain in my right knee (rheumatoid arthritis) and a considerable decrease in gynaecological problems (mycosis), so common in diabetes.
