When did you buy your first biolamp?

Sometime in the spring/summer of 2003 and I have to say that it is now a family friend.

And what made you decide to buy it?

My previous good experience with this way of physiotherapy, that is still with the old classical bioptron lamp. We had it here in the infirmary for about 10 years, maybe more. I had it on loan a couple of times at home. That old biolamp is something else. It's kind of a hairdryer machine and you can't really mess with that. I missed the awesome comfort of use that this handy "mouse" offered me. I hunted it down, tried it out on myself and on my whole family. The effect was clearly positive. I found that this biolamp is much better and so I decided to spread its fame to the world.

And spread?

Sure. Here in Dukla, a lot of people have bought them. I tell them all that they must have it at home and use it regularly, that borrowing it for a few days doesn't solve anything.

But you said "to the world"!?

Well we always have a biolamp with us at races and training camps and practices. Everyone asks what it is and what it can do, what good is it.... I know that a lot of pieces have already been sold to Poland and elsewhere.

I deliberately used the word first in the first question because I know it's not the first biolamp you have. How many do you have and why so many?

We have two mice, because when I go somewhere I want one to be at home and one beautiful battery one my father got from me for my birthday. He uses it for everything. He drives a lot in the car so he carries it around with him all the time. He mainly uses it for crosses, neck, kidneys, etc. etc.

Where does it help you the most as a top athlete?

I'd have to say it pretty much worked me for my achilles a year and a half ago.
But otherwise, yeah it's good for pretty much everything. It heals absolutely wonderfully, for example with children, small scrapes, bruises - it goes very quickly. That's what my dad, who is in his sixties, told me, that if you hit somewhere, it heals much faster than normal.

If you were to compare a conventional biolamp with a battery-powered one, what are the advantages?

One doesn't drag any cord with them, one doesn't need to sit somewhere near an outlet. That's probably the biggest advantage. And I was surprised how long it stays lit - I can't believe it. Yes, I am. For how fast it charges, that endurance is incredible. The only minor downside I see is a bit more weight due to the batteries and thus more susceptibility to damage in a fall.