
Tinnitus - Doctor advises

Can I use the Biostimul lamp to treat tinnitus? What is the best place to apply it?


Tinnitus can be caused by many factors (trauma, specific causes, degenerative damage, ischemia, toxic damage to the ear and auditory nerve, due to outer or inner ear disease, centrally conditioned tinnitus, other diseases). In the search for the causes of the murmur, it is first of all necessary to exclude tinnitus as a symptom of a serious disease. I therefore recommend that you first have a proper examination by a doctor. Application of Biostimulus is then advisable to be carried out on the area of the external ear canal and the area behind the ear. On each area for 10 minutes, preferably twice a day. Application can be supplemented by application to the top of the head, 5-10 minutes once or twice a day.