Hello, I would like to ask if Biostimul will help with a problem with a popped disc. I have been undergoing treatment for over three months and have had a CT scan without much effect. So I'm facing surgery... Thank you for your reply.
As a result of a breach in the ligamentous capsule of the intervertebral disc, the jelly-like nucleus of the disc can get out of the intervertebral space and press on the spinal nerves or on the articular capsules of the small vertebral joints. The causes of intervertebral disc popping out and dislocation are varied, chronic or sudden overloading of a previously damaged intervertebral disc, faulty posture or poor weight bearing, lack of movement and weakening of the muscles along the spine, tendency to premature wear and tear, which can vary greatly from individual to individual. The consequence of a popped intervertebral disc is spasm or paralysis of the muscles, restriction of movement, faulty posture. Nerve disorders and paralysis can be transient or long-term, exceptionally irreversible. Often in these cases, rehabilitation and physical therapy are resorted to. Treatment with the Biostimul device will help to relax and better blood supply to the area, thanks to its analgesic effect it effectively suppresses pain. However, it does not solve the problem itself. Consult your doctor about your options. If surgery is unavoidable, Biostimulus applications can be very effective in aiding rapid recovery, both in pre- and post-operative care. The body will recover more quickly and the post-operative wound will heal faster and with better quality.