The biolamp contributed to my well-being and winning a medal...

How did you get into phototherapy?

The very first contact was in about 1995 when I had tendonitis in my wrist. I went to our rehabilitation centre and they treated the inflammation with the classic halogen bio-lamp. I went there about twice a week for three weeks and the inflammation was cured. Then nothing for a long time and the next appointment was just before Athens with your biolamp.

What was the problem in your knee at the Olympics?

I'm thinking it was stress fatigued muscle tendons from prolonged loading and inflammation in the joint capsule. I didn't treat it much though, just different creams for 2 months, and it still hurt - this was just before the Olympics. Then about 10 days before I left for Athens, I complained to the national coach, Dr. Vetvicko, and he just recommended a biolamp, and it actually went away for those 10 days, and then I was fine for the Olympics.

I applied the light of the biolamp in pulse mode - interestingly, within the first minute of shining the light, the pain felt slightly increased, but it went away very quickly during the next treatment and the knee was pain free. This helped me to make it through the entire Olympic sailing race virtually pain free and certainly contributed to my wellbeing and medal win.

And how do you use Biostimul today?

As soon as I had a biolamp at home, I started using it for all sorts of things. I got the cordless, rechargeable one, I learned to carry it around with me at all times and use it calmly in public when something started to annoy me, even in a restaurant for example. Whenever I need to deal with a health issue and have a moment, I use it right away.